Feeling stuck in a negative mindset is not only uncomfortable, but it tricks us into seeing ourselves, others, and the world in a negative way. It’s normal to feel down from time to time, but there are things you can do to give yourself a boost back toward a positive mindset.

1. Exercise – It is well documented that exercise benefits us in numerous ways. It not only helps to keep our bodies healthy, but it also increases production of endorphins and availability of neurotransmitters which regulate our mood. When we think of exercise as “work” we miss out on the idea that it’s also packaged with these natural rewards. Aside from physical strain or injury, we usually feel better after exercise! Regular exercise is best, but even a 5-minute brisk walk will give you a quick boost.
2. Support and social interaction – Depression often leads to the desire to isolate and withdraw from social interactions. Social isolation deprives us of possible rewarding and fulfilling interactions. The more we isolate, the more we feel alone. Reach out to a friend or someone who can help you see the bright side of things.
3. Gratitude journaling – Being stuck in a negative mindset steals our ability to grasp the things in life that are truly blessings. We can usually find something for which to be grateful: food, shelter, clothing, good health status, the sun, the birds, nature, or having enough. Most of us can think about a time when circumstances have been more challenging, and we can be glad that we got through it.
4. Kindness – contributing to others. Do something small for someone. Give an unsolicited compliment. Smile and say hello to a stranger.
5. Half-Smile strategy – this is sort of like working backwards to achieve a positive emotion. We often think of smiling as a response to feeling joy. Instead, try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and just slightly turning up the corners of your mouth as if you were going to smile. This “half-smile” communicates a message of joy to the brain and you may notice a shift in emotion toward feeling more positive.

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