Lisa Shelton


Lisa Shelton

Lisa P Shelton has 23 years of experience working as an Addiction/Mental Health Therapist serving populations including; adult men/women, adolescents, dual diagnosis, Veterans and correctional populations. She has training and experience with counseling sexual assault survivors, Gender-Responsive Treatment, trauma, domestic violence, Anger Management, Cognitive Intervention (CGIP), Motivational Interviewing, CBT and families dealing with addiction, gambling addiction and crisis intervention.

Lisa graduated from National-Louis University with a Master's Degree in Human Services Counseling. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), Nationally Certified as a Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor and Independent Clinical Supervisor, with the State of Wisconsin/ Illinois. She has worked in correctional facilities, residential, intensive, outpatient and substance abuse treatment programs. Lisa has 15 years of experience in managerial roles overseeing program productivity, budgets and clinical staff. She has implemented, created, and developed many diverse groups. She is currently pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Psychology at Capella University anticipating graduate date September of 2018.

Lisa's "Vision of Purpose" is providing comprehensive holistic services utilizing evidenced- base practices within the community, organizations, individuals and families, improving overall functioning body, mind and spirit. Her "Vision of Purpose" is to increase individuals, couples and families awareness about addiction, mental health, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, identifying irrational thinking maladaptive behavior patterns, developing strategies, coping skills to improve the overall quality of one's life/lifestyle and establish long-term positive support system.

Lisa has passion in the work that she does. She believes the sky is the limit, and she is convinced that you should never allow your past to control your future.

Lisa's Favorite Quote from The Wizard of Oz "If I ever go Looking for my Heart's desire again. I won't look any further than my own Back yard because if it isn't there I never really lost it to begin with, There's No Place Like Home."